The college continues its legacy of leadership in sustainability by modeling sustainability in its instructional program, 课程, 学生及市民参与活动, 设施及运作, 土地使用规划和其他实践.
The Sustainability Committee provides oversight for the college's sustainability initiative. 这个小组由教员的代表组成, 管理员, 管理, 学生服务, 公共关系及市场推广, 信息技术, 和学生. "建模的可持续性" has been a District strategic initiative for 10 years and will continue to be a focus for the college for the next 5 years as well (entering our 3rd planning cycle). The steering committee has updated the "建模的可持续性" for 2018-2023 to include 3 areas of focus (pending Ed Master Plan committee approval): 太阳城娱乐通过吸引学生来拥抱可持续发展, 教师, 工作人员, and the community in dialogue and fostering sustainable practices and operations.� The college will develop and implement a Sustainability Plan to include the following strategies: A.������ Providing educational opportunities in the area of sustainability by:� 1)开发以可持续发展为重点的课程, certificates and degrees in transfer and career-oriented education outcomes. � 扩展可持续发展研究证书(18岁以上) � 创建AS/AS可持续发展研究(重点是转移) � 将可持续发展证书/学位纳入指导路径 � Align Butte 课程 with CSU GE sustainability pathway and CSU sustainability minor � 向地区高中宣传教育机会 � Increase opportunities for campus internships that promote green practices. � 支持, 与当地和区域合作伙伴一起, 学生和教师应用研究的机会, development and implementation of innovative practices outside of the classroom. 2)����Providing 专业发展 for 教师 and 工作人员 in the area of sustainability. � Offer Bi-annual 教师 education trainings related to 课程 development � 为所有员工提供两年一次的研讨会.e. FLEX) � 支持会议出席 � 支持校园活动和宣传 3)��� Participating in local, regional and statewide planning and initiatives (i.e. City of Chico Sustainability Taskforce, Butte County, Advance Northstate) B.减少学院的碳足迹 1)����Focusing on reducing single passenger commuting practices including collaboration with external agencies to provide public transportation. 2)�����Considering alternative energy production in new construction 包括存储. 3)继续增加校园电动汽车充电容量. C.������ Demonstrating environmental stewardship through water conservation by: 1)����� Xeriscaping to enhance the beauty of the campus through native plants and eco-grasses. 2)����� Focusing on campus water conservation and the elimination of water waste.
The Sustainability Committee conducts an annual Administrative 项目评审 with its unit plan.
Strategy 1 - Develop educational opportunities in the area of sustainability
可持续发展是使命宣言的一部分, 这是学院的价值观之一,也是一项战略举措. Infusing sustainability into the 课程 and the institutional dialogue is critical to making the mission, 价值, 倡议成为现实.
Strategy 2 - Continue Efforts to reduce the College's Carbon Footprint
根据学院最近的温室气体清单, 我们67%的碳排放来自汽车 & 除了我们的校园车队外,还有往返学院的公共汽车. Focusing on transportation to reduce our carbon footprint should be a focus for the college if we want to reduce our impact to the environment.
Strategy 3 - Continue to demonstrate environmental stewardship through water conservation
Continue Xeriscaping to enhance the beauty of the campus through native plants and eco- grasses.
Focus on campus water conservation and the elimination of water waste.
Water conservation is a critical issue, particularly in light of the ongoing drought in California. Butte College provides leadership on this critical issue and models appropriate and responsible water 管理 to students and the community.
Strategy 4 - Provide 专业发展 for 教师 and 工作人员 in the area of sustainability
可持续发展是使命宣言的一部分, 这是学院的价值观之一,也是一项战略举措. Infusing sustainability into the 课程 and the institutional dialogue is critical to making the mission, 价值, 倡议成为现实. 为了这样做, 教师 must be educated and prepared to update their 课程 with current data and best practices related to global sustainability efforts.
最初的优先级 | 程序,单位,区域 | 资源类型 | 帐号 | 目标代码 | 一次增广 | 持续的增加 |
描述 | 支持的理由 | 潜在的替代资金来源 | 优先级标准 | |||
1 | 可持续发展督导委员会 | 营业费用 | | 55890 | $7,500.00 | $0.00 |
专业发展 | 这些资金将用于旅游 & conference expenses for 教师 and 工作人员 to stay current on the latest research and trends as well as fund a 课程 development series for 教师. |
2 | 可持续发展督导委员会 | 营业费用 | $5,000.00 | $0.00 | ||
运营费用-活动,项目和奖励 | Our operating expenses include membership fees, workshop presenters, educational events (i.e. 校园可持续发展日 & 地球日),以及可持续发展战略倡议奖. These items help the campus stay informed and engaged in the topic of sustainability. |