Chapter 6: Business and Fiscal Affairs

Chapter 6: Business & Fiscal Affairs

Chapter 6: Business and Fiscal Affairs

Board Policy Title Administrative Procedure
BP 6100 Delegation of Authority AP 6100
BP 6150 Designation of Authorized Signatures AP 6150
BP 6200 Budget Preparation AP 6200
BP 6250 Budget Management AP 6250
BP 6300 Fiscal Management AP 6300
AP Only Reserves AP 6305
BP 6307 Debt Issuance and Management  
AP Only Accounting AP 6310
AP Only Warrants AP 6315
BP 6320 Investments AP 6320 
BP 6330 Purchasing AP 6330 
BP 6340 Contracts AP 6340
AP Only Contracts: Accessibility of Information Technology AP 6365
AP Only Contracts: Personal Services AP 6370
BP 6400 Audits AP 6400
BP 6450 Wireless or Cellular Phone Use AP 6450
BP 6465 Facilities Planning AP 6465 
BP 6466 Modification, Remodel, Alteration, or Attachment to District Facilities

AP 6466 

Art Placement Request form

BP 6500 Property Management AP 6500 
AP Only Disposal of Agricultural By-Products AP 6551
BP 6520 Security for District Property AP 6520 
AP Only Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) AP 6525

Appendix 1: Summary of Specific Regulations

Appendix 2: UAS Request Form

Appendix 3: UAS Activity Designated Location

AP Only District Vehicles AP 6530
AP Only Use of District Equipment AP 6535
BP 6540 Insurance/Risk Management AP 6540
BP 6550 Disposal of Property AP 6550 
BP 6600 Capital Construction AP 6600 
BP 6615 Scheduled Maintenance Program AP 6615 
BP 6620 Naming Buildings AP 6620 
BP 6665 Campus Land Use AP 6665 
BP 6666 Energy and Sustainability AP 6666 
BP 6667 Art Placement See AP 6466
BP 6700 Civic Center and Other Facilities Use AP 6700
BP 6740 Citizens Oversight Committee AP 6740
BP 6750 Parking AP 6750 
BP 6800 Occupational Safety AP 6800 
AP Only Transportation of Sick or Injured Individuals AP 6801
AP Only Hazardous Materials AP 6850
BP 6900 Bookstore AP 6900 
BP 6905 Dining Services AP 6905 
AP Only Drug and Alcohol Testing (US Department of Transportation) AP 6950